I Won't Give Up - Jason Mraz

   When I look into your eyes
   It’s like watching the night sky
   Or a beautiful sunrise
 Well there’s so much they hold
 And just like them old stars
I see that you’ve come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?
*courtesy of LirikLaguIndonesia.Net
I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up

And when you’re needing your space
To do some navigating
I’ll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

‘Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We’ve got a lot to learn
God knows we’re worth it
No, I won’t give up

I don’t wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I’m here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use the tools and gifts
We got yeah we got a lot at stake
And in the end,
You’re still my friend at least we didn’t tend
For us to work we didn’t break, we didn’t burn
We had to learn, how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I got, and what I’m not
And who I am

I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up
I’m still looking up

I won’t give up on us
God knows I’m tough, he knows
We got a lot to learn
God knows we’re worth it

I won’t give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I’m giving you all my love
I’m still looking up…

You and I Both - Jason Mraz

   Was it you who spoke the words that things would happen but not to me
   Oh things are gonna happen naturally
   Oh taking your advice and I'm looking on the bright side
   And balancing out the whole thing

Oh but at often times those words get tangled up in lines
And the bright light turns to night
Oh until the dawn it brings
Another day to sing about the magic that was you and me

'Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
Others only read of the love
Oh the love that I love, yeah

See I'm all about them words
Over numbers, unencumbered numbered words
Hundreds of pages, pages, pages forwards
More words than I had ever heard and I feel so alive

'Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
And if you could see now

Oh love, love, you and I, you and I
Not so little, you and I anymore
And with this silence brings a moral story
More importantly evolving is the glory of a boy

'Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
And if you could see me now

Well then I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of, finally de de de de de de
Well I'm almost finally finally
Well I am free, oh I'm free

And it's okay if you had to go away
Oh, just remember the telephone
Well, they're workin it both ways

But if I never, ever hear them ring
If nothing else I'll think the bells inside
Finally found you someone else and that's okay
'Cause I'll remember everything you sang

'Cause you and I both loved
What you and I spoke of
And others just read of
And if you could see me now

Well then I'm almost finally out of
I'm finally out of, finally de de de de de de
Well I'm almost finally, finally out of words

   hellooooo... I'm back with another self... actually, It's truly doesn't me. :p
   Berhubung tuan rumah pemilik blog ini sedang malas ngurusin blognya, yaudah gue aja deh yang ngisi blog     ini... hehe ^^9
   hari ini dia dateng ke kostan gue, gue juga gak tau dia mau ngapain... -_- tapi, biasanya dia numpang "Online"      di kostan gue... yaaa, maklum sih ya wi-fi nya Wuuuuuusshh!! tapi kali ini beda, dia dateng ke kostan gue buat   curcol... uuups, sorry for telling this andreas :p
    dia curhat tentang seeemuuaaaaaaaa nya! mauuuuu tau aja yaaaa? apa mau tauuu bangeeeett? hayooooo??  :p

~to be continue~

Just Sorry :') for My Friends...

Ok, in this time i will explode my feelings.... *bukan curhat, cuma memaparkan yang "biasa"
Teman... Apa yang kamu pikirkan tentang teman?
a. Baik
b. Pengertian
c. Setia ? ? ?
Yakin teman kalian Setia? HAHA don't be serious guys
ya mungkin Teman mu setia, tapi apakah kamu sudah setia terhadap mereka?
ayo instropeksi diri *mencitrakan diri sendiri*
sering kali kamu merasa teman mu berubah.
namun perubahan tersebut sebenarnya adalah awal dari bertambahnya "Relationship" kalian...

Kalian pernah main "The Sims" ?
kalo pernah main pasti ngerti Relationship lebih jelas, apa lagi di The Sims 3.
Semua lebih Realistic (biarpun ga terlalu sama kaya di dunia nyata).
yap i think this enough for discuss this game..
*kasihan yg ga pernah main* HAHA

Ya Teman, hanyalah orang biasa.... mungkin mereka juga sudah lupa akan perteman kalian...
Tapi tenang aja, semasa kalian masih menjadi manusia *belum menjadi monyet* HAHA just kid
kalian akan terus mendapat teman-teman baru, bahkan kalian akan mendapat teman yang lebih baik dari pada teman masa lalu kalian.... seiring waktu berjalan...
kalian akan tambah dewasa, dan bisa menghadapi teman-teman dengan jenis yang beragam *jenis* HAHA
dengan kedewasaan itu kalian akan mendapat teman-teman yang SETIA..
*halah mana ada teman yang setia*
Kata siapa? kalo emang ga ada yang salah sama diri kalian, ya ga menutup kemungkinan untuk kalian mendapat teman yang SETIA....

ya sekian dulu deh, otaknya lagi nyampur2 sama UTS nih broh ahah *jadi curhat kan*



    Thanks a lot for My Friends, who help me for made this blog more beautiful. his name is         "DIDI" ahaha, actually thats his secret name. today i came to FEB-UGM for study in group    with monic, she's the best student at freshmen year class. though sometimes she's temprament if  i ask "something". sorry mon HAHA. Ok that's my life in semester2, yeah i wouldn't repeat the same mistake in semester 1. but i think this place with high speed network access, wouldn't be study place HAHA. cause i have this "BLOG" *alesan*.

 keep correct my english mistakes yaa :)

  Thanks all, cause you always listening, always understanding *kaya iklan apa gtu* HAHA, Bye see you soon :D


Berbagai Macam Jenis Pasta (yang saya tahu)

Hello all, kali ini aku mau bagi-bagi pengetahuan nih tentang pasta. HAHA

pada tau kan apa itu pasta? yup, pasta itu semacam makanan yg terbuat dari tepung terigu, gandum dll.
sebenernya pasta tuh ga enak, rasanya aneh! tapi itu kalo belum diolah, kalo udah diolah mah jangan ditanya. bikin ketagihan HAHAHA....
olahan Pasta bisa bermacam-macam juga, tergantung bentuk pasta itu sendiri.

contohnya nih ya, spaghetti, macaroni, fusili, rigatoni, ravioli, dll. 
langsung aja deh, udah pada ngiler kan tuh HAHA 

haduh ntar dilanjut deh, maless eeee HAHAHAH 
be right back :)

Sense of my Job

heyy everybody, i think this the best moment. i just have understood "Statement of cash flows" HAHA *seneng banget* ya although that's just little pieces of this Chapter. but now i have more sense with my occupation :)


 jadi dulu itu gue sebenernya mau masuk IPA pas SMA, berhubung gue ga pernah belajar... yaudah deh terima nasib masuk IPS -__-
ya walaupun ga buruk-buruk amat sih masik IPS.. HAHA
dasar emang gue yang bego apa gimana kali ya... di IPS pun gue masih dapet nilai yang jeblog2 -,-
ga tau gue emang ga bisa apa2, apa emang gue masih pengen IPA kali ya...
soalnya dari SMP kelas 1 tuh gue emang pengen banget Jadi Arsitek...
makanya serada nyesel masuk IPS, tapi karena nasi sudah menjadi bubur dan buburnya udah keburu jatoh ke got.. yaudah deh gue terima nasib aja....
singkat cerita kelas 3 SMA, nilai2 gue di IPS mulai naik bisa dibilang gue termasuk 25% terbaik di kelas yang isinya orang jenius semua HAHA *Sombong*
sampe sekarang gue kuliah di FEB-UGM (Accounting).. emang pertamanya gue ga nyangka pas ngeliat pengumuman... :') *terharu
sampe2 gue liat tuh pengumuman beberapa kali, dan untungnya hasilnya ga berubah HAHA *kalo berubah bikin galau coyy....
 ya tapi sampe sekarang gue masih pengen jadi Arsitek :"( ya tapi mau gimana lagi, mungkin emang guenya aja yang belom nemuin passionnya di Akuntansi ini...

Test My New Blog

   This is Just The Test of my new blog, i think i just have a newbie.
   sorry if my english was bad, i think haha :)
   cause i still learn with this..
   i don't have many idea for the first time, so bye bye! :)

-it's hello not goodbye-

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